185 research outputs found

    Fluctuations, response and aging dynamics in a simple glass-forming liquid out of equilibrium

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    By means of molecular dynamics computer simulations we investigate the out of equilibrium relaxation dynamics of a simple glass former, a binary Lennard-Jones system, after a quench to low temperatures. We study both one time quantities and two-times correlation functions. Two-times correlation functions show a strong time and waiting time twt_w dependence. For large twt_w and times corresponding to the early β\beta-relaxation regime the correlators approach the Edwards-Anderson value by means of a power-law in time. at long times τ\tau the correlation functions can be expressed as CAG(h(tw+τ)/h(tw))C_{\rm AG}(h(t_w+\tau)/h(t_w)) and compute the function h(t)h(t). This function is found to show a tt-dependence which is a bit stronger than a logarithm and to depend on the observable considered. Finally we discuss our measurements of the time dependent response function. We find that at long times the correlation functions and the response are not related by the usual fluctuation dissipation theorem but that this relation is similar to the one found for spin glasses with one step replica symmetry breaking.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figure

    Spatial cooperativity in microchannel flows of soft jammed materials: A mesoscopic approach

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    The flow of amorphous solids results from a combination of elastic deformation and local structural rearrangements, which induce non-local elastic deformations. These elements are incorporated into a mechanically-consistent mesoscopic model of interacting elastoplastic blocks. We investigate the specific case of channel flow with numerical simulations, paying particular attention to situations of strong confinement. We find that the simple picture of plastic events embedded in an elastic matrix successfully accounts for manifestations of spatial cooperativity. Shear rate fluctuations are observed in seemingly quiescent regions, and the velocity profiles in confined flows at high applied pressure deviate from those expected in the absence of non-local effects, in agreement with experimental data. However, we suggest a different physical origin for the large deviations observed when walls have rough surfaces, associated with "bumps" of the particles against the asperities of the walls.Comment: 5 figure

    A mesoscopic model for the rheology of soft amorphous solids, with application to mi- crochannel flows

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    We study a mesoscopic model for the flow of amorphous solids. The model is based on the key features identified at the microscopic level, namely peri- ods of elastic deformation interspersed with localised rearrangements of parti- cles that induce long-range elastic deformation. These long-range deformations are derived following a continuum mechanics approach, in the presence of solid boundaries, and are included in full in the model. Indeed, they mediate spatial cooperativity in the flow, whereby a localised rearrangement may lead a distant region to yield. In particular, we simulate a channel flow and find manifestations of spatial cooperativity that are consistent with published experimental obser- vations for concentrated emulsions in microchannels. Two categories of effects are distinguished. On the one hand, the coupling of regions subject to different shear rates, for instance,leads to finite shear rate fluctuations in the seemingly un- sheared "plug" in the centre of the channel. On the other hand, there is convinc- ing experimental evidence of a specific rheology near rough walls. We discuss diverse possible physical origins for this effect, and we suggest that it may be associated with the bumps of particles into surface asperities as they slide along the wall

    Correlation and shear bands in a plastically deformed granular medium

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    Recent experiments (Le Bouil et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 2014, 112, 246001) have analyzed the statistics of local deformation in a granular solid undergoing plastic deformation. Experiments report strongly anisotropic correlation between events, with a characteristic angle that was interpreted using elasticity theory and the concept of Eshelby transformations with dilation; interestingly, the shear bands that characterize macroscopic failure occur at an angle that is different from the one observed in microscopic correlations. Here, we interpret this behavior using a mesoscale elastoplastic model of solid flow that incorporates a local Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. We show that the angle observed in the microscopic correlations can be understood by combining the elastic interactions associated with Eshelby transformation with the local failure criterion. At large strains, we also induce permanent shear bands at an angle that is different from the one observed in the correlation pattern. We interpret this angle as the one that leads to the maximal instability of slip lines

    The jamming transition as probed by quasistatic shear flow

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    We study the rheology of amorphous packings of soft, frictionless particles close to jamming. Implementing a quasistatic simulation method we generate a well defined ensemble of states that directly samples the system at its yield-stress. A continuous jamming transition from a freely-flowing state to a yield stress situation takes place at a well defined packing fraction, where the scaling laws characteristic of isostatic solids are observed. We propose that long-range correlations observed below the transition are dominated by this isostatic point, while those that are observed above the transition are characteristic of dense, disordered elastic media.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, revised versio

    Acoustic excitations and elastic heterogeneities in disordered solids

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    In the recent years, much attention has been devoted to the inhomogeneous nature of the mechanical response at the nano-scale in disordered solids. Clearly, the elastic heterogeneities that have been characterized in this context are expected to strongly impact the nature of the sound waves which, in contrast to the case of perfect crystals, cannot be completely rationalized in terms of phonons. Building on previous work on a toy model showing an amorphisation transition [Mizuno H, Mossa S, Barrat JL (2013) EPL {\bf 104}:56001], we investigate the relationship between sound waves and elastic heterogeneities in a unified framework, by continuously interpolating from the perfect crystal, through increasingly defective phases, to fully developed glasses. We provide strong evidence of a direct correlation between sound waves features and the extent of the heterogeneous mechanical response at the nano-scale

    Effects of inertia on the steady-shear rheology of disordered solids

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    We study the finite-shear-rate rheology of disordered solids by means of molecular dynamics simulations in two dimensions. By systematically varying the damping magnitude ζ\zeta in the low-temperature limit, we identify two well defined flow regimes, separated by a thin (temperature-dependent) crossover region. In the overdamped regime, the athermal rheology is governed by the competition between elastic forces and viscous forces, whose ratio gives the Weissenberg number Wi=ζγ˙Wi= \zeta \dot\gamma (up to elastic parameters); the macroscopic stress Σ\Sigma follows the frequently encountered Herschel-Bulkley law Σ=Σ_0+kWi\Sigma= \Sigma\_0 + k \sqrt{Wi}, with yield stress \Sigma\_0\textgreater{}0. In the underdamped (inertial) regime, dramatic changes in the rheology are observed for low damping: the flow curve becomes non-monotonic. This change is not caused by longer-lived correlations in the particle dynamics at lower damping; instead, for weak dissipation, the sample heats up considerably due to, and in proportion to, the driving. By suitably thermostatting more or less underdamped systems, we show that their rheology only depends on their kinetic temperature and the shear rate, rescaled with Einstein's vibration frequency.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Influence of Wetting Properties on Diffusion in a Confined Fluid

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    We briefly discuss how the wetting properties of a fluid/solid interface can indirectly influence the diffusion properties of fluid confined between two solid walls. This influence is related to the variability of the hydrodynamic boundary conditions at the interface, which correlates to the wetting properties.Comment: Paper presented at the ILL workshop "Dynamics in confinment", Grenoble, January 2000 (http://www.ill.fr
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